Wednesday, December 1, 2010
sometimes when i really feel like talking to you, im afraid. there's always this barrier between you and me and it will be forever... though talking to you make me feel happier and able to comfort me even though you wouldnt know of it, but its okay (: sighh i wish i could get a new com ): this one doesnt allow me to play maple. so inconvenient!! tskk when i want to play it at night also cannot cuz all my siblings are using their com. i seriously missed those times badly where i could play all day through the hols.. ( i know im a maple freak at times :D but thats just me) playing with people i dont even know nor am i that close to them but able to talk to them and play(?) its fun ^^! married yo! HEHE someone to care for you.. well thats what i think though it could be scary to some ppl but yup. they can be THAT nice at times! like seriously. no one reads this anyway :D YAY!